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    User name HB/JL/CF et al.

    Log entry time 07:51:01 on November 24,2002

    Entry number 52299

    keyword=Background summary (1)

    Current paddle setup (drawing later):

    paddle 2 in holder, centered under beamline directly on table, nearly vertical.
    Paddle is tilted towards (top) octants by placing 2 inch lead bricks under
    front part of foot.
    3/4 inch Al is tilted even more, by resting on front of foot (over lead bricks)
    and, touching the detector holder, leaning over the detector to provide
    full lign-of-sight shielding from all beam line.

    Carbon target, no current in the magnet.

    Setup 1: detector + 3/4 inch Al downstream of detector (as described above)
    Results: (I-beam/ (I-anode at 1700 V)

    1.00 / 0.37
    2.01 / 0.70
    3.03 /1.03
    5.01 /1.69

    Setup 2 :
    3/4 ' Al + 4*2.3mm sheet of lead downstream on aluminum

    Radiation display on 701 is also reported

    results: (I-beam/ (I-anode at 1700 V)/ Rad G / Rad N / Beam posit x / y

    1.03 / 0.17 /
    2.03 / 0.33 / 56.4 / 61.7 / 0.506 / 0.867
    2.95 / 0.46 / 78.6 / 85.9 / 0.366 / 0.732
    5.00 / 0.77 / 131. / 145. / 0.316 / 0.687

    Setup 3 : 3/4 ' Al + 2.3 mm lead + 1/2 ' Al + 3 * 3/8 ' Lexane

    results: (I-beam/ (I-anode at 1700 V)/ Rad G / Rad N / Beam posit x / y
    0.97 / 0.17 / 30.4 / 29.8 / 0.462 / 0.781
    1.88 / 0.31 / 52.3 / 53.8 / 0.305 /0.747
    2.91 / 0.46 / 81. / 87.1 / 0.276 / 0.761
    4.62 / 0.72 / 124. / 134. / 0.495 / 0.737

    Setup 4 : 3/4 ' Al + 1/2 ' Al + 4 * 3/8 ' Lexane

    results: (I-beam/ (I-anode at 1700 V)/ Rad G / Rad N / Beam posit x / y
    0.95 / 0.23 / 29.5 / 31.3 / 0.45 /0.73
    1.91 / 0.43 / 54.2 / 59.8 / 0.42 / 0.77
    2.85 / 0.62 / 78.9 / 81.7 / 0.42 / 0.77
    5.01 / 1.07 / 134 / 146 / 0.5 / 0.75

    Setup 4 : 3/4 ' Al + 1/2 ' Al + 1 mm Lead + 4 * 3/8 ' Lexane

    results: (I-beam/ (I-anode at 1700 V)/ Rad G / Rad N / Beam posit x / y
    0.97 / 0.19 / 29.2 / 30.3 / 0.4 /0.7
    2.0 / 0.36 / 56.6 / 62.7 / 0.46 / 0.795 /
    3.07 / 0.53 / 56.6 / 91.7 / -0.2 / 1.
    4.93 / 0.85 / 134 / 134 / 1./ 0.7

    Setup 5 : 3/4 ' Al + 1/2 ' Al + 2.3 mm Lead

    results: (I-beam/ (I-anode at 1700 V)/ Rad G / Rad N / Beam posit x / y
    0.93 / 0.23 / 29 / 29.2 / 1.4 / 0.77
    2.01 / 0.47 / 56.4 / 60.9 / 1.3 / 0.6
    2.96 / 0.68 / 79.4 / 70.5 / -0.15 / 1.1
    4.87 / 1.09 / 130 / 141 / -0.17 / 1.1

    End of Herbert's configuration !