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    User name lenoble

    Log entry time 00:04:02 on November 25,2002

    Entry number 2406

    keyword=Swing shift summary

    SWING SHIFT (16:00-0:00)    NOV.
    24 2002

    J. Lenoble

    J. Martin

    M. Pitt


    L. Lee

    K. Nakahara

    Special guest appearances: G. Smith, S. Williamson, H. Breuer


    16:00   Shift starts in the middle of shielding studies
    with the HP detector (HP==Herbert's Paddle).

    16:35   Jeff back from area

    Has added 2sheets of lead on top and front : so now 4.6 lead total
    on top and front (+ Al as usual)

    17:00   Completed beam current scan (1,2,3,5 ľA) on
    this configuration; ask for access.

    17:10  Greg decide to cool down the target; asked MCC. As
    we're using carbon target, that won't interfere with shielding study, but
    it'll last a couple of hours.

    17:15   Jeff back from the area.

    Has added lead bricks on top.

    17:40  End scan 1,2,3,5 ľA on this configuration; ask for

    17:45  MCC still waiting for final approval from cryo to
    cool down the target.

    18:20  MCC ready to start the cool-down of the target to15K

    18:30 Back to beam permit  (a survey was done meanwhile);
    new configuration is paddle rotated 90 degrees, with Al shield

    18:45  End scan 1,2,3,5 ľA; ask for access

    19:10  Run 14553 : Cosmics run with NA thres= =5, Fr thresh

    19:15  Back to beam permit; new configuration : 2sheets
    lead added on top

    19:40  End scan 1,2,3,5 ľA; ask for access

    Run 14554 : Cosmics run with NA thres= =5, Fr thresh =25

    20:00 Back to beam permit; new configuration : 2sheets lead added
    on top (4sheetstotal) (+Al)


    20:15  End scan 1,2,3,5 ľA; ask for access

    Run 14555 : Cosmics run with NA thres= =10, Fr thresh =50

    20:45 Back to beam permit; new configuration : 2sheets lead on
    front (2sheets total); none on top (+Al)

    21:00  End scan 1,2,3,5 ľA; ask for access


    21:15  Run 14556 : Cosmics run with NA thres= =15, Fr thresh

    21:30 Back to beam permit; new configuration : 2sheets lead added
    on front (4sheets total); none on top (+Al)

    21:50  End scan 1,2,3,5 ľA; ask for access

    Run 14557 : Cosmics run with NA thres= =20, Fr thresh =100

    22:15 Back to beam permit; new configuration(20) : borax added
    + lexan; Pb =2.3 mm

    22:30  End scan 1,2,3,5 ľA; ask for access

    23:00 Back to beam permit; new configuration(21) : took out the

    23:30  Asked for centered stable beam at 12ľA to start lumi


    23:45 : Target LH2 seems Ok, dixit Greg ; Steve is going to
    ramp magnet up "soon"

    Run 14558-9  : Lumi study



    0:00   Hand over to next shift...

    J. Lenoble