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    User name Armstrong

    Log entry time 09:50:07 on November 25,2002

    Entry number 2556

    This entry is a followup to: 2553

    keyword=G0 log Problem

    No, cancel that - the "Follows up entry" is now all screwed up because of the
    "cycling" of the G0log and HClog entry numbers referred to in my previous
    entry. The previous entry is number
    . I have entered explicit link in previous sentence, and
    I have entered this in the "Follows up entry #" window, but I suspect that when
    you click on the follows up link when you read this, you will get back into
    the deep dark past....

    I have left a message for Steve Wood to take a look at this, but for now
    we cannot rely on the "follows up" feature, so you may want to also
    refer to log entries by date and entry number explicitly.

    Thinking fondly of hardcopy logbooks....