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    User name jianglai

    Log entry time 19:01:49 on November 26,2002

    Entry number 52827

    keyword=target boiling run fact sheet -- for lumi crew

    Below is the lumi configuration during the target boiling test.

    First past of the studies were done using G0 beam. Using the HV Mark determined
    last night.

    time Run# lumi w/ preamp I(uA) raster (mm^2) fact
    10:13 14684 lumi1 15 2X2 HV tripped
    14685 lumi1 0 lumi pedestal
    10:44 14686 lumi1 15 2X2 12K events

    10:55 14687 lumi1 15 2X2 1st 20 min
    11:20 14687 lumi2 15 2X2 beam off shortly after
    11:25 14688 pedestal 0 lumi1-3 were cycled

    11:31 14689 lumi2 15 2X2

    12:03 14690 lumi2 15 1X1
    12:20 14690 A4lumi 15 1X1
    12:36 14690 lumi1 15 1X1

    13:18 14691 A4lumi 17 1X1

    14:55 14692 A4lumi 17 0.5X0.5
    15:06 14692 lumi1 17 0.5X0.5
    15:21 14692 lumi2 17 0.5X0.5

    Then we went to the standard CW beam and go to high current. Due to the limited
    time, we decided to use LUMI2 only, since it is the most sensitive lumi we have.
    Mark and I changed the HV on lumi2 so that we only saw roughly 35uA anode
    current from the tube @ 33uA beam ---- so 1275V on LUMI2.

    14695 lumi2 33 0.5X0.5 short
    14696 lumi2 33 0.5X0.5 short
    14697 lumi2 33 0.5X0.5 short
    14698 lumi2 junk, ROC3 died
    14699 lumi2 33 2X2
    14700 lumi2 33 2X2
    14701 lumi2 33 pedestal, cycle through lumi 1-6

    Left A4LUMI connected with the preamp. All HVs off.