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    User name covrig

    Log entry time 19:58:54 on November 26,2002

    Entry number 52830

    keyword=target boiloff for Thanksgiving break

    Boiled the target off following the warm-up procedure for a Hall C cryogenic target. The HPH was set off and JT valve was closed in about 5 min afterwards.
    Opened the warm return valve, and MCC closed the cold return valve.
    Target is in out of beam position.
    Accessed the Hall and shut off the cryogenic pump controller and the HPH power supply. Set the remote power supply control of the HPH to 0,0.
    Temperature in the target is round 30 K, pressure is at 18.5 psig at the time of this entry. The target is warming up slowly. There will no need for target operators until Dec 4 after the target is filled back again. The target will be parked over the break with H2 gas.