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    User name biselli

    Log entry time 17:39:17 on November 27,2002

    Entry number 52862


    keyword=Front-Back MT andTDC using FB data

    The differences Front-Back for MT, left TDC and right TDC for the NA octants were plotted and fitted with a Gaussian. The mean value is expected to be around 6 ns.
    The results of the fits (mean and width values)were plotted as a function of the detector number (see plot below for oct1,3 and next entry for oct 5,7) and good Front-Back timing was found with the exception of detector 1 in octant 7.
    For this study fastbus run 13861 was used and the TDCs and MT data were calibrated using the run 13744 (see log entry 7023)
    Right now the calibration is done linearly, but I am planning to calibrate the data with a cubic fit which might improve the widths.

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2