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    User name nakahara

    Log entry time 12:32:00 on December 5,2002

    Entry number 53044

    keyword=SMS vs. Moller

    At approximatly 10:00, the Moller LHe return line was switched from the warm return to the cold return (which was warm). Thus, opening up the cold return shot some warm gas toward the SMS (and the Moller I assume, since the Moller LHe tank emptied). The SMS LHe reservoir level began plummetting, reaching a minimum of 60%. During this time, the LHe reservoir pressure rose up to 21.6 psia (the Parallel Plate relief opens up at ~25 psia). JT1 (cold return valve) was opened up to 78% to relieve some of the pressure, and the reservoir pressure then dropped all the way to 16.5 psia, thus destabilizing the VCL Lead flows.

    Right now, the Moller LHe tank is refilling, , and JT1 is being readjusted to bring the reservoir pressure back to about 17.7 psia.