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    User name Williamson

    Log entry time 09:16:15 on December 6,2002

    Entry number 53177


    keyword=SMS EPICS/TempMon Problems

    The EPICS readout of the SMS PLC seems to have died at about 8:15 AM. We have attempted to reboot the IOC (g0iocsms) via the IOC reboot gui to no avail. Also telneting to this node gives "connection timed out". The lights on the PLC front
    pannel, that normally blink periodically when EPICS readout is operational, are now
    constantly off. According to Steve Wood, the next thing to try is a power-cycle of
    the IOC crate. We will do that after we turn the beam over to MCC for beam studies.

    Note that at about the same time (8:15) TempMon died but recovered by itself.