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    User name pking

    Log entry time 09:56:04 on December 9,2002

    Entry number 53578

    This entry is a followup to: 53564

    keyword=Status of runs 14893 and 14897 on g0ana.

    This entry is a follow-up to Kaz's entry,Wells plots and some DAQ issues.

    He found that the replay had trouble with runs 14893 and 14897. It appears that
    one segment in each of these runs is missing (segment 2 of 14893 and segment 3 of
    14897), even though there is a link to the file segment in the main data directory.
    Both of these runs were on /anadata1, whcih is the one which we had trouble with
    the automatic data file deletion program yesterday; perhaps the run segments were
    deleted out of turn.
    Unfortunately, the data files have also been deleted from the raw data disks on
    gzerol3, so the files will have to be analyzed from the silo copies.