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    User name smithg

    Log entry time 16:07:14 on December 10,2002

    Entry number 53781

    keyword=shift summary

    8am Complaints from ET, dropping quartets. Also can't run g0acm: segment fault.
    ~8:20 beam off, tripping on det IC. Also trips det. HV.
    9:00 beam back at 15 uA. Start run 15002: IAV=5, FiB_bud mode, NPN on.
    9:10 stopped run to turn off French dets 15&16. Started run 15003 which is otherwise same as 15002.
    10:00 Stopped run 15003. BS begins. Took tgt out of beam.

    Today's BS program is:
    BS tuning should go from 10 until noon.
    Then 12-2 we should see them work on developing 40 uA and the ever ethereal "beam quality". While they're doing this, we should monitor the beam charge asymmetry. If the 40uA seems stable enough, we may put the target back in and look at the lumis.
    From 2pm on into the evening, MCC will be working on developing the "combined optics" tune (ie Moeller tune), with their expert Chao and the "alpha version" of his emittance matching program (as opposed to yesterday's beta version). Moeller systematics will take place in conjunction with this effort.

    Eventually, and it may fall back to Silviu again on owl tonight, we'll get back to the dead time study program. This morning before bs began we got in about an hour and 15 minutes worth of 15uA, IA=5V, FiB_bud, NPN on running (1st line in the program). That means that line is done if you combine runs 14997 (9m), 14999 (30m), 15000 (30m, no FB), 15001 (55m, no FB), 15002 (8m), and 15003 (45m).

    So what's left still is 3 ten minute runs all with 15uA, IA=5V: (FoB NPN on, FoB NPN off, FiB NPN off). Then another hour of data with FiB_bud, NPN on, 15uA with IA=1V and another hour with IA=9V. That ought to finally finish the dead time study.

    4pm They are in the combined optics phase. Outta here.