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    User name Louis

    Log entry time 08:25:18 on December 13,2002

    Entry number 54169

    keyword=Differential Buddy


    Use the run 15104 @ 40uA (or close to) to look at the rates of the differential buddy.

    Sampled detectors /deadtime [1-128] / deadtime [95-111] / deadtime[25-45]
    04-01 3.7%

    08-01 4.2% 4.7% 2.6%
    (camont @113) (caval@21)
    04-09 6.5%

    08 -09 6.0%

    for 20uA the value of full integrated measurement was around 3% (in agreement with Jianglai estimates from MT deadtime with NPN).

    now for 40uA it is more likely 6.0% but vary of course with detector number

    Note the normal trend of increasing Deadtime according to the position in the MT spectra. 4.7% for proton peak and 2.6% for left pions on detector one.

    Reminder for this particular channel caval=21 and camont = 113
    so they don't play any role int the quoted values [pure NPN mode!]