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    User name jianglai

    Log entry time 15:07:15 on December 14,2002

    Entry number 54324

    keyword=more target boiling run logs

    More target boiling runs after the magnet recovery.
    15143 --- 20uA, 1x1, lumi(A4-1). I am still using the same 40uA HV settings.

    15144 --- 20uA. 2x2. lumi(1-2-A4).

    Now reduced the pump speed to 19.1Hz.
    15145 --- 40uA. 2x2. lumi(A4-1-2).

    15146 --- 40uA. 1x1. Junk ROC 3 rebooted.

    15147 --- 40uA. 1x1. Junk ROC 3 died.

    15148 --- 40uA. 1x1. ROC 3 died.

    15149 --- 40uA. 1x1. LUMI2 in.

    I might have lost track the run numbers. Too many junk runs.
    I just left LUMI2 in. Silviu will continue the program but I told him don't
    bother swapping the cables. Doesn't look like we have time to make to many more
    measurements either.