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    User name nakahara

    Log entry time 13:11:24 on December 16,2002

    Entry number 54606

    keyword=SMS: LN2 level dropping

    The LN2 inlet pressure began dropping at around 10:30. The LN2 reservoir level went below the deadband, and would not come back up. This is reminiscent of the problems that we had during Thanksgiving with the LN2 circuit.

    3 of the 4 HMS magnets emptied out of LN2. The Moller also emptied. We called cryo, and they cycle the valve right before Hall C (CEV6751C). This increased our flow from ~7g/s to ~30g/s (the latter number fluctuates).

    Right now, the Moller is once again full. HMS is filling up, and so is the SMS. The LN2 reservoir dropped to ~69%, but is now filled back up to about 83% (and rising).