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    User name Gzero

    Log entry time 04:11:39 on January 8,2003

    Entry number 55240

    keyword=background measurement at I_SMS=4500A

    carbon target
    HV off, beam on at 10 muA : run 15351
    we did the reference of the g0acm during this run
    HV on, beam on at 10 muA : run 15352,15353
    figure 2 shows the anode current. Compare to entry 54905, there is factor of 3 improvement in the large detectors and not much on small detectors.
    file is :
    HV off, beam on at 10 muA : run 15354
    figure 1 show the residual anode when HV turn off but beam on

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2