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    User name arvieux

    Log entry time 13:23:26 on January 15,2003

    Entry number 56250

    keyword=Alarm on gpt7 (ballast tank)

    -White alarm on gpt7 (pressure@ballast tank).
    Should be between 17.00 and 30.00, indicates only 2.00. I did check it about an hour ago (see tgt log) and it was OK at 23.15.

    -Also alarm on ppt9b but here is a puzzle: value read is 1.095 when it should be between 0.5 and 2.0. So there should be no alarm but it is impossible to reset it.

    -Also white alarm on g0tach but here again everything looks correct: reads 31.073 when it should be between 25.0 and 35.0. Resetting the alarm does not work either.

    Called Silviu who said that we can ignore these alarms for the time being.