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    User name J Kuhn

    Log entry time 12:06:56 on January 17,2003

    Entry number 56505

    keyword=summary table of asymmetry runs

    Summary of asymmetry runs (morning shift, Jan 17)
    (first line is the mean, the second is the sigma)

    run# Aq(BCM1) Aq(BCM2) Ax Ay

    15743 65.62+/-5.36 7.89+/-0.81 0.1650+/-0.0704 -0.0229+/-0.0668
    661.5 91.05 8.901 8.422

    15745 10.95+/-15.26 4.88+/-2.07 0.2212+/-0.1510 0.0790+/-0.1615
    871.1 112.8 8.933 9.530

    15746 24.11+/-5.57 4.75+/-0.75 0.0913+/-0.0601 0.0454+/-0.0568
    784.5 102.2 8.609 8.128

    15747 12.80+/-5.71 5.02+/-0.76 -0.0532+/-0.0881 -0.0020+/-0.0793
    541.8 70.5 8.549 7.673

    15750 103.12+/-14.25 111.81+/-12.75 0.1831+/-0.4728 0.2457+/-0.3559
    633.9 638.2 23.88 17.91