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    User name Secrest

    Log entry time 08:11:35 on January 22,2003

    Entry number 57070

    keyword=Owl Shift Summary

    Jan 22,2003 Owl Shift Summary:

    00:20 Had to reboot roc3 and bring Coda up again after changing the configuration
    00:35 MCC notifies us that Hall A asked for the prebuncher to be turned off.
    01:20 MCC notifies us that the prebuncher is on again.
    05:00 Call P.King to get assitance with the DAQ. The DAQ would not end runs gracefully. Also had to reboot ROCs over and over.
    06:30 MCC asks to take a QE meaurement
    08:10 MCC calls and says they are having problems with rf trips.

    Run 15909 Fastbus + TED but the french electronics was configured for ForB, NPN off
    Run 15910 Fastbus + TED w/ French elec. configured to FiBB,NPN on. Prebuncher is off.
    Run 15911 Fastbus + TED w/ French elec. configured to FiBB,NPN on. The prebuncher was turned back on. ((1:22)
    Run 15912 Fastbus + TED w/ French elec. configured to FiBB,NPN on. (2:30)
    Run 15913 Failed due to a ROC problem
    Run 15914 Fastbus + TED w/ French elec. configured to FiBB,NPN on. (3:43) Changed PS4 from 500 -> 150 due to low count rate on run 15912.
    Run 15915 Fastbus + TED w/ French elec. configured to FiBB,NPN on. (3:55) Changed PS4 from 150 -> 50 due to low count rate on run 15914.
    Runs 15916-15917 Lost runs trying to get ROCs to reboot and codamaster to work correctly
    Run 15918 Fastbus + TED w/ French elec. configured to FiBB,NPN on. (4:35) PS4=50
    Run 15919 Fastbus + TED w/ French elec. configured to FiBB,NPN on. PS4=40 Having much ROC problems: Called Paul King.
    Run 15920 Fastbus PS4=0 and no TED
    Run 15921 Fastbus PS4=0 and no TED
    Run 15922 Fastbus PS4=0 and no TED