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    User name pking

    Log entry time 09:54:52 on January 23,2003

    Entry number 57224

    keyword=Schedule for the day shift.

    The beam has now been shut off early for the beam studies period.

    At 11:00, the G0 PZT test plan will be executed. Jeff Secrest should be back to
    carry out this plan from the Hall C end. See G0 Log entry 57223 for the test plan.
    This test plan should be ended by 12:00, if not earlier.

    At 12:00, the accelerator should be re-tuned for a Moller measurement in Hall C.
    Damon will be taking the Moller measurement. During some of this time, we will
    need MCC to turn off the Hall A beam.

    After the Moller measurement is complete, we should have the current reset to
    40 microamps and resume asymmetry data collection.

    At 14:00, the accelerator will be reconfiguring to allow Hall A to do an arc energy
    measurement. There will be some interruption of beam delivery to Hall C, but
    this is expected to be short and confined to the beginning and end of the
    measurement. The entire arc energy measurement will take about 2 hours.
    Make a log entry at the beginning and end of the arc energy measurement, and
    record in the run information that iti is going on, in case it has some effect on
    our data.

    For the remainder of the time, we should be taking asymmetry data.