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    User name silviu

    Log entry time 08:07:45 on January 24,2003

    Entry number 57312

    keyword=shift summary

    Mostly asymmetry data.

    Runs taken 15991 - 16007.
    Good asym runs 15991, 15994-15996, 16002, 16005-16007.
    Coil modulation runs 15997-15998.
    The rest of the runs are junk.

    0:20 asym run 15991, but beam goes off shortly after the run starts (MCC takes it away for what they say will be a "few seconds, maybe minutes" to do a reboot on an IOC), it was a few minutes.

    15992, 15993 are junk runs. Rebooted ROC 3 and went through the CODA restart
    cycle two times.

    0:58 asym run 15994 DAQ up and running again.

    1:03 MCC says the acc will be down for a few minutes to take care about an RF problem (16 min).

    2:01 asym run 15995, 38.9 uA, stopped the run early due to the TS failure in active mode, end run failed, ROC 3 didn't answer, rebooted ROC3 and started a new run.

    2:47 asym run 15996, 38.7 uA.

    3:07 beam off, injector problems (should be a few minutes).

    Beam comes back but doesn't stay at "40", it drops to 15 and settles there. Called MCC, they claim (CC) that the G0 laser spits out a spike from time to time (because of a phase deregulation) that trips the drift chambers in Hall B. The "safe" way to run would be at 15, 40 will trip the machine. They will call an optics expert in to try to fix the problem, it may take 1 h.

    3:31 stopped run 15996.

    3:36 decided to take "max deliverable current" until the optics expert figures something out, and go for coil modulation, but while delivering 15 uA, MCC calls back saying that the beam will be turned off, the spikes are back even at 15 uA.

    4:02 run 15997 coil modulation at 13.7 uA, end run failed somehow (end run comments window didn't appear).
    4:10 run 15998 coil modulation at 4 to 38 uA (the beam current went up in the middle of the run to 38).

    4:15 asym run 15999 at 39 uA, since we got (some) beam back, will go ahead and take asym data - junk run for asym, forgot to put the flag file back!

    4:18 ROC 3 crashed while switching back to ts_full, rebooted it, download failed, killed coda and restarted it, download succeeded, started a run, but 960 events into the run and ROC 3 crashed again, killed all rocs and restarted them, went for the next run.

    16000 asym run - junk (960 events) ROC 3 crashed at the beginning of the run.

    4:29 asym run 16001 - junk (ROC 3).

    4:30 MCC calls, the spikes disappeared, we are back to "40" uA (they adjusted the laser phase, and will wait until the day shift for a better solution, the optics expert hasn't been called in).

    4:31 events are not updating, got stuck at 3723 (ROC 3 rebooted on its own), stopped run 16001 - junk - and went for a new one.

    4:39 asym run 16002 - good run (end run failed).

    5:00 TS0 got disconnected, stopped run 16002, killed and restarted the rocs and ts0 twice and eventually ts0 got "reconnected", tried to download a run, but roc3 crashed, after rebooting it, EB2 gave error messages, download failed, killed coda and restarted it, EB2 got back, started a new run, but after 610 events, roc 3 crashed, softreboot didn't work, so we did a hard reboot, download worked, went for a new run.

    Runs 16003-16004 - junk, due to DAQ multiple failures

    5:27 asym run 16005.

    6:34 asym run 16006, 6:43 MCC needs to do a Qe measurement, beam off for a few minutes; 6:51 beam back.

    6:29 asym run 16007.