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    User name gwarren

    Log entry time 13:04:00 on April 5,2003

    Entry number 58715

    keyword=misc problems fixed

    We've fixed a number of minor problems in the hall:

    hms angle camera: Joe and Eric put in a new camera. The image is beautiful. Thanks guys.

    sos angle vernier: Glen had the order of the numbers on the paint stick backwards. He printed the numbers in the proper order and taped over the old numbers. The ticks were not changed.

    sos hut a/c: turned on. was off. hut was quite warm as Gaskell had noted. Doors to spectrometers are still open and need to be closed before swing shift today. By the way, the temperature displays for the huts are on the wall above the fire alarm

    sos floor marks: Joerg finished painting.

    target light: Joe installed it.

    sos new angle camera: someone has removed the cable. No idea who or why, but it is gone. At least this way we won't have the ambiquity of which SOS angle was used.

    hms cerenkov camera: was unplugged. We turned it on.

    outstanding issues:
    A) SOS hodoscope repair: Hamlet et al. is working on it. It is not a show stopper though.
    B) doors to the huts need to be closed. I've asked Hamlet to do this.
    C) there was some target work that should be done by 2 pm.