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    User name cdaq

    Log entry time 11:33:18 on April 7, 2003

    Entry number 58881

    keyword=Run 44904: DAQ tests with new source of SOS WC gate

    Experiment daq03

    Run #44904 (coin) - /cdaqs1/data4/daq03_44904.log

    Beam Energy (MeV) 1.1481.148
    HMS Momentum (GeV/c) 0.50.5
    HMS Angle 18.0018.01
    Q1 Set Current 65.0500.000
    Q2 Set Current -51.4870.000
    Q3 Set Current 25.2750.000
    Q1 B Field (G) 887.90001.0000
    Q2 B Field (G) -1053.1000-0.9000
    Q3 B Field (G) 509.60002.4000
    D Current Readback -153.2100.000
    B_true -0.13802720.0000000
    SOS Momentum (GeV/c) 0.50.5
    SOS Angle 18.0518.00
    Target Encoder 15090097.000.000
    Target Material 44
    Beam Current (uA) -0.0210
    Fast Raster dia (mm) 11

    DAQ tests with new source of SOS WC gate