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    User name M Jones

    Log entry time 05:54:55 on April 9,2003

    Entry number 58958

    keyword=Hall C beam energy measurement

    The beam energy went smoothly. It took about one hour. The beam energy
    was a little unstable with the position at 17 changing soemtimes
    a couple of mm in the dispersive mode. The y harp scan at 7 seems wide to
    me. Still have to fix the code for calculating the corrected beam energy.

    Requested MBSY3C current = 47.70859
    Calculated uncorrected beam energy = 1.1501 +- 0.0011 GeV
    epics hallc_MeV = 1149.26 GeV
    ELog of Hall C Energy Measurement is 1142640
    Elog of the Hall C Superharp Analyzer is 1142639