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    User name saw

    Log entry time 15:19:22 on April 14,2003

    Entry number 59391

    This entry is a followup to: 59379

    keyword=Rebooting ROC2

    It seems that the reboot lline taken for the HMS dump reset was the line that was supposed to go to ROC2 (sfihms, wirechamber fastbus). It may have already been disconnected, but it definetly is now. If you want to reboot ROC2, the button on codamaster or the reboot panel will not work. Instead, reboot ROC2 by typing "reboot" or "exec reboot" in the ROC2 console window.

    If ROC2 gets hung, an access will be necessary. Joe or I will connect a reboot line for ROC2 next chance we get