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    User name hamlet

    Log entry time 08:07:48 on April 15,2003

    Entry number 59419

    keyword=shift summary

    Owl shift 15/04/03
    H. Mkrtchyan, E. Sigbefia


    Was no beam during all shift.

    At begining of the shift we set the SOS angle 41.32 and magnets for proton polarity at P=+0.4696 GeV/c; the HMS angle 41.32 and magnets for electron polarity at P=-1.0909 GeV/c and was ready to start production run. (But was no beam !)

    02:00 Call MCC to check beam status. They hope we could start data taking after 1.0-1.5 hours.

    03:00 The HMS dipole crashed. It's take about 15 min to bring it back.

    07:00 Still no beam, accelerator off and we lost our hope to take data any data to the end of this shift.

    We hope and wish that next shift will be more successful.