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    User name Steve Rock

    Log entry time 02:38:23 on May 31,2003

    Entry number 61573

    keyword=Shift Summary

    We are now running with 80 uA.
    The beam has been on and off since it nominally came on at about 9 PM.
    The position is that it is at an angle moving up from H00A to H00C by about .5mm.
    MCC cannot fix that at present due to the orbit we have.
    The x positon is now at +.5mm instead of 1.0 where we started with.

    The histograms look similar to the old ones, except the ADC peds noted in a previous entry and the HCerenkov which at 2.57 is about at threshold for pions, and thus there is not a clean pion peak in the ADC spectrum.

    Target is working fine, aside from 2 computer problems, one human, one machine.

    We will run up to 1.8 C at this setting, then move on to the next kinematics.