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    User name V.Kubarovsky

    Log entry time 07:37:28 on June 14,2003

    Entry number 62187

    keyword=DAQ problem 46526

    I noticed that the DAQ accepts the events with very low rate.
    Run 46526 has 329746 events, but the number of SOS+HMS triggers = (657+819)*1000=1 476 000 events.
    In the coda_er window error msg appeared:
    dalogMsg: Error writing events cancel ET read loop.
    But pink window DATA DISK MONITOR reported that the free disk space=75%.
    I decided to reload DAQ . It did not help. I changed the disk. It helped hopefully.
    Runs 46526 is corrupted. It is strange that DAQ continued to accept data
    when there is no free disk space. No alarm, just error msg that very difficult to