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    User name pking

    Log entry time 10:52:41 on October 15,2003

    Entry number 67746

    keyword=Silo stage disk was not mounted; remounted it.

    The silo stage disk was not mounted on gzerol3 since at least the evening of
    11 October. The last file transfered to the silo was "ts_full_17095.dat.0", which
    was on the silo at 15:45 on 9 October. The first file which had not been copied
    to the silo was "ts_fb_epics_17096.dat.0", which was ended at 23:07 on
    11 October.

    I have re-mounted the silo stage disk, sfs34:/export/stage1, to the mount point,
    /stage1. The runs are being copied to the stage disk.