Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for October 03 - Full Listing

  • Main INDEX


  • 67933 10/31/03 05:55 Louis BIMBOT Config file for DMCH test with GENE
  • Thursday

  • 67931 10/30/03 10:30 Spayde SMS: Cold Return Transition Follow Up
  • Wednesday

  • 67927 10/29/03 18:28 silviu G0 target cooldown test over
  • 67926 10/29/03 17:22 Lars, Silviu Target: 15 K target test cooldown
  • 67925 10/29/03 16:29
  • 67924 10/29/03 14:08 Spayde SMS: Cooldown Status
  • 67922 10/29/03 10:51 Louis BIMBOT Config for DMCH
  • 67920 10/29/03 00:23 Spayde SMS: Cold Return Transition
  • Tuesday

  • 67919 10/28/03 17:35 Greg, Silviu Target: 15K tgt cooldown test started
  • 67918 10/28/03 11:29 Spayde SMS: Plug Valve Opened
  • 67917 10/28/03 11:23 pking Tests for the 9 DMCH readout.
  • 67908 10/28/03 08:14 Spayde SMS: Cooldown Status
  • Monday

  • 67906 10/27/03 16:54 Spayde SMS: Flow Oscillation Mystery Solved
  • 67905 10/27/03 12:29 Louis BIMBOT Configuration file for DMCH
  • 67904 10/27/03 09:49 pking Signal cable 540 was fixed last week.
  • 67903 10/27/03 08:47 Spayde SMS: Correction
  • Sunday

  • 67901 10/26/03 22:08 Spayde SMS: PLC Crash & Recovery
  • 67900 10/26/03 06:32 Spayde SMS: LN2 Level Low Alarm
  • Saturday

  • 67898 10/25/03 17:46 Spayde SMS: LHe Inlet Pressure Low Alarm
  • Friday

  • 67886 10/24/03 22:19 Spayde SMS: Valve Adjustments
  • 67885 10/24/03 17:42 Spayde SMS: 4K Cooldown Status
  • 67884 10/24/03 17:29 Spayde SMS: LN2 Adjustments
  • 67883 10/24/03 15:41 Spayde SMS: Flowing 4K in Magnet Coils
  • 67882 10/24/03 15:40 Spayde SMS: Cooldown of 4K Transfer Line
  • 67879 10/24/03 14:30 Spayde SMS: Ready to Begin 4K Cooldown
  • 67862 10/24/03 08:40 Spayde SMS: Cooldown Status
  • Thursday

  • 67852 10/23/03 17:00 Spayde SMS: 4K Certification Complete
  • 67851 10/23/03 12:05 Spayde SMS: 4K Line Certification Preparation
  • 67850 10/23/03 08:29 Spayde SMS: Cooldown Status
  • Wednesday

  • 67848 10/22/03 18:33 Spayde SMS: LN2 Reservoir to PID Control
  • 67847 10/22/03 16:54 Spayde SMS: LN2 Reservoir Filling
  • 67846 10/22/03 16:06 breuer spare capacitive couplers
  • 67845 10/22/03 16:03 breuer exchanged remaining CFD output capictive couplers
  • 67844 10/22/03 16:02 Spayde SMS: Magnet Cooldown Flow Reestablished
  • 67843 10/22/03 15:10 Spayde SMS: 4 atm He Turn On
  • 67842 10/22/03 14:52 Breuer Cabling sequence of NA Phillips amplifiers (better formatting)
  • 67841 10/22/03 14:46 Breuer Cabling sequence of NA Phillips amplifiers
  • 67840 10/22/03 14:31 Breuer exchanged NA amplifier
  • 67839 10/22/03 13:36 jianglai signal cable 540 appeared broken from downstairs to upstairs
  • 67838 10/22/03 13:36 jianglai signal cable 540 appeared broken from downstairs to upstairs
  • 67837 10/22/03 12:49 silviu Target: minor correction to Greg's entry about the target
  • 67836 10/22/03 12:34 smithg window action
  • 67835 10/22/03 10:47 pking Update on checking NA cabling.
  • 67833 10/22/03 09:34 Spayde SMS: No LN2 to Hall
  • 67832 10/22/03 08:31 Lars Target: Loss of house helium & H2-He pressure excess!
  • 67831 10/22/03 08:17 Lars Target: Loss of house helium & H2-He pressure excess!
  • Tuesday

  • 67828 10/21/03 22:57 Breuer NA HV shutoff cables and channels ("sniper")
  • 67827 10/21/03 22:48 Breuer check NA signals and cabling; pedestal resolution standards
  • 67821 10/21/03 17:54 pking Updated login scripts for the gzero accounts.
  • 67820 10/21/03 17:48 Spayde SMS: JT5 Upper Limit Reduced to 50%
  • 67816 10/21/03 16:50 smithg next attempt at tgt cool-down
  • 67815 10/21/03 15:26 pking DAQ tests.
  • 67804 10/21/03 14:48 Lars Target: Closed MV28, backed off on He bottle regulator
  • 67801 10/21/03 14:24 gaskell HV restore and backup don't work
  • 67800 10/21/03 14:04 saw SOS HV controls fixed
  • 67799 10/21/03 12:04 smithg target test cooldown aborted
  • 67798 10/21/03 10:48 Spayde SMS: Attempted LN2 Fix
  • 67797 10/21/03 10:21 Spayde SMS: LN2 Pressure Trends
  • Monday

  • 67795 10/20/03 23:55 Spayde SMS: CDHXR LN2 Gone
  • 67794 10/20/03 17:06 pking Small problems loading the new CPU for ROC3.
  • 67793 10/20/03 16:47 Lars Target: G0 target pump & purge
  • 67792 10/20/03 13:44 Spayde G0: CDHXR LN2 Gone Again
  • 67789 10/20/03 12:03 Lars Target: G0 target coolant supply valve status
  • 67788 10/20/03 09:17 pking NA amplifier crates were unplugged; not plugged in yet.
  • 67787 10/20/03 08:41 Spayde SMS: Cooldown Status
  • Sunday

  • 67785 10/19/03 16:42 pking Possible problem with the NA amplifiers; check it tomorrow.
  • 67781 10/19/03 03:22 Spayde SMS: More Fun With LN2
  • 67780 10/19/03 01:31 Spayde SMS: LN2 (More of the Same)
  • Saturday

  • 67779 10/18/03 18:48 Spayde SMS: Cooldown Status
  • 67778 10/18/03 09:21 Spayde SMS: LN2 Reservoir Level Low
  • 67777 10/18/03 05:10 Spayde SMS: CDHXR LN2 Gone
  • 67776 10/18/03 04:42 Spayde SMS: CDHXR LN2 Pot Emptied Again
  • Friday

  • 67774 10/17/03 22:01 Spayde SMS: LN2 Reservoir Level Below 50%
  • 67773 10/17/03 21:19 Spayde SMS: CDHXR LN2 Pot Emptied Again
  • 67772 10/17/03 08:47 Spayde SMS: Cooldown Status
  • Thursday

  • 67770 10/16/03 17:11 pking PSS tests on this Friday, Monday and Tuesday evenings; no access to the hall.
  • 67769 10/16/03 14:02 Spayde SMS: LN2 Valve Upper Limit Adjustment
  • 67768 10/16/03 12:23 Lassiter Hall C Ln Flow
  • 67767 10/16/03 11:36 Spayde SMS: CDHXR LN2 Pot Emptied Again
  • 67766 10/16/03 09:32 Spayde SMS: Cooldown Status
  • Wednesday

  • 67760 10/15/03 16:56 pking The file server seems to be back up.
  • 67747 10/15/03 11:20 saw DAQ computers down this afternoon
  • 67746 10/15/03 10:52 pking Silo stage disk was not mounted; remounted it.
  • 67745 10/15/03 10:24 Spayde SMS: Overnight Cooldown Problems
  • 67744 10/15/03 09:50 beaufait shunt trip power
  • Tuesday

  • 67734 10/14/03 14:27 Spayde SMS: Cooldown Status & Magnet Work
  • 67733 10/14/03 13:18 pking Digital scope is broken; sent out for repair.
  • Monday

  • 67731 10/13/03 18:38 pking Reconfigured ROC3 for standalone tests
  • 67730 10/13/03 18:20 pking Shut off HV crates.
  • 67729 10/13/03 09:08 J Roche NA HV off
  • Sunday

  • 67720 10/12/03 12:27 Breuer moved/changed/recabled NA amplifiers in Hall; serial # of amplifiers
  • Friday

  • 67705 10/10/03 17:16 saw Restoring EPICS
  • 67704 10/10/03 14:04 pking Correction: No access to the hall on the evening of 17 and 20 October.
  • 67703 10/10/03 11:20 pking Signal cable 547 is fixed.
  • 67702 10/10/03 10:30 pking No access to the hall on the evening of 10 and 13 October.
  • 67701 10/10/03 10:25 Spayde SMS: Magnet Cooldown Status
  • 67699 10/10/03 00:31 breuer uncabled NA signals at amplifiers in preparation for move
  • 67698 10/10/03 00:29 breuer uncabled NA signals at amplifiers in preparation for move
  • Thursday

  • 67697 10/09/03 19:10 jianglai updated lumi cabling info
  • Tuesday

  • 67694 10/07/03 17:57 jianglai Lumi preamp noise test summary
  • 67693 10/07/03 16:44 pking Removed "mock MPS".
  • 67692 10/07/03 16:44 pking DAQ test after switching to new file server.
  • 67689 10/07/03 11:23 saw gzero account moved to new file server
  • 67687 10/07/03 00:23 Jianglai lumi cables
  • Monday

  • 67672 10/06/03 18:30 jianglai lumi detector # assignment
  • 67671 10/06/03 18:25 Jianglai lumi installation
  • 67670 10/06/03 10:05 pking Problems moving a HUGE data run (run 17087) to the analysis machine.
  • Sunday

  • 67668 10/05/03 18:54 benoit, loui DNL measurement with DMCH
  • 67667 10/05/03 18:52 benoit CAEN trouble - French PMT's check
  • 67666 10/05/03 05:36
  • Friday

  • 67663 10/03/03 15:25 saw Hall C Computer downtime Tuesday Oct 7 for fileserver work
  • 67662 10/03/03 14:14 Spayde SMS: Cooldown & Vacuum Status
  • 67661 10/03/03 12:05 Louis DNL run 17086
  • Thursday

  • 67659 10/02/03 21:57 Spayde SMS: Magnet Cooldown Has Begun
  • 67658 10/02/03 18:48 Louis et Ben French/NA splitter-32 channels
  • 67657 10/02/03 18:40 Louis et Ben DNL measurement with DMCH
  • 67655 10/02/03 00:34 Louis Test DMCH
  • 67654 10/02/03 00:25 Benoit et Lo New splitter chanels
  • Wednesday

  • 67653 10/01/03 18:29 Breuer Spare amplifiers/final delivery of modified amps
  • 67652 10/01/03 16:43 pking Reinstalled the CPU in ROC3
  • 67651 10/01/03 16:41 Louis BIMBOT Dmch tune up
  • 67650 10/01/03 11:56 benoit, serg PMTs and base spares
  • 67649 10/01/03 11:25 pking Removed the CPU from ROC3
  • 67648 10/01/03 05:28 Louis BIMBOT DMCHs Tuning
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    Stephen A. Wood
    (757) 269-7367