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    User name lee

    Log entry time 08:09:28 on January 20,2004

    Entry number 73821

    keyword=Owl shift summary

    Owl shift, Jan 20/2004 (00:00 - 08:00)

    R.Asaturyan (target)

    Took production data with frame-target (incl 120 Hz data) during first half of the shift.
    We had some trouble with the beam position stability. Switched back over to Empty target
    during latter half of the shift. However, linac problems limited the amount of empty
    target data taken. We switched over to Moller data mode towards the end of the shift.

    00:50 Killed and restarted CODA processes because of problems following 120Hz running.

    01:57 Beam trip.

    02:20 Problems restoring our beam positions after beam trip. Positions erratic (operators
    retuning our beam positions). Take data as MCC tries to fine-tune our beam positions.

    03:25 Re-established what we believed were reasonable beam positions for data-taking with
    the frame-target (see Silviu's log entry, #73808, for details).

    05:30 Switched back over to Empty target. Beam OFF due to linac problems.

    06:55 Beam back on. Taking empty target data.

    07:28 Set up for Moller run.

    07:48 More problems with linac, no beam.

    List of Runs:
    00:07 19157 Frame target, 15uA, 120 Hz data
    00:24 19158 Frame target, 15uA, Production data (short run)
    00:36 19159 Frame target, 15uA, Production data (short run)
    00:43 19160 Frame target, 15uA, Production data (short run)
    00:51 19161 Frame target, 15uA, Production data (long run, 1 hr)
    01:54 19162 Frame target, 15uA, Production data (junk)
    02:30 19163 Frame target, 15uA, Production data (beam positions erratic)
    03:15 19164 Frame target, 15uA, Production data (beam positions erratic)
    03:30 19165 Frame target, 15uA, Production data (long run, 1 hr)
    04:32 19166 Frame target, 15uA, Production data (long run, 1 hr)
    07:06 19167 Empty target, 20uA, Production data