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    User name pking

    Log entry time 16:15:40 on February 07, 2004

    Entry number 75689

    keyword=Shift summary: day, 7 Feb.

    Leader: P. King
    Target: S. Covrig


    1. Halo target was retracted at about 08:16 when the IOC was rebooted; it was put back into beam at 10:26.
    2. Beam was taken away to tune for Hall B at 09:55; there was no consistent beam until 11:06. There was apparently a misunderstanding about beam steering, which extended the recovery until 11:30.
    3. A set of coil modulation and 120 Hz runs were taken at about 13:35. The remainder of the shift was in production runs on the empty target.
    4. During production run 19678, I cleared the error condition on the LTD8 in LTD crate 2; this effected detector 12 of octants 3/7.


    Run list from database

     Run   | NBM ID  |  CP ID  | good_for
    19677  | 453     | 453     | production,empty_target
    19678  | 453     | 453     | production,empty_target
    19679  | 453     | 453     | production,empty_target
    19680  | 453     | 453     | production,empty_target
    19681  | 453     | 453     | 120_hz,junk
    19682  | !!N/R!! | 453     | empty_target,120_hz
    19683  | !!N/R!! | 453     | 120_hz,junk
    19684  | 453     | 453     | empty_target,coil_pulsing
    19685  | !!N/R!! | 453     | production,empty_target
    19686  | !!N/R!! | !!N/R!! | production,empty_target
    19687  | !!N/R!! | !!N/R!! | production,empty_target