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    User name Spayde

    Log entry time 09:34:51 on February 14, 2004

    Entry number 76493


    keyword=Beam: Results and Confusion from Aq_integration Script

    I ran the Aq_integration script on the following runs: 19870, 19871, 19872, 19874, 19877, 19878, 19879, 19880, and 19883. The results can be seen in the figures. The confusing thing, aside from the disturbing results, is that not all of the specified runs were included in the script despite all the rootfiles existing in $G0_ROOTFILES_DIR. Below is a portion of the text output of the script:

    Choose the BPM you want to look at:14
    Read in runnumber = 19870
    filename = /home/gzero/scratch/rootfiles/G0Pass1.19870.root
    numentries = 24301
    your BPM x choice = Ax_targ
    your BPM y choice = Ay_targ
    your BCM choice = Acharge_BCM1
    All branched activated 
    charge n_qrt = 2250 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 2250 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 4500 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 4500 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 6750 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 6750 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 9000 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 9000 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 11250 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 11250 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 13500 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 13500 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 15750 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 15750 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 18000 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 18000 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 20250 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 20250 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 22500 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 22500 events processed 
    Read in runnumber = 19872
    filename = /home/gzero/scratch/rootfiles/G0Pass1.19872.root
    numentries = 19669
    your BPM x choice = Ax_targ
    your BPM y choice = Ay_targ
    your BCM choice = Acharge_BCM1
    All branched activated 
    charge n_qrt = 24750 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 24750 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 27000 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 27000 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 29250 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 29250 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 31500 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 31500 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 33750 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 33750 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 36000 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 36000 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 38250 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 38250 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 40500 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 40500 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 42750 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 42750 events processed 
    Read in runnumber = 19877
    filename = /home/gzero/scratch/rootfiles/G0Pass1.19877.root
    numentries = 24183
    your BPM x choice = Ax_targ
    your BPM y choice = Ay_targ
    your BCM choice = Acharge_BCM1
    All branched activated 
    charge n_qrt = 45000 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 45000 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 47250 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 47250 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 49500 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 49500 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 51750 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 51750 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 54000 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 54000 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 56250 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 56250 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 58500 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 58500 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 60750 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 60750 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 63000 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 63000 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 65250 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 65250 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 67500 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 67500 events processed 
    Read in runnumber = 19879
    filename = /home/gzero/scratch/rootfiles/G0Pass1.19879.root
    numentries = 23096
    your BPM x choice = Ax_targ
    your BPM y choice = Ay_targ
    your BCM choice = Acharge_BCM1
    All branched activated 
    charge n_qrt = 69750 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 69750 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 72000 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 72000 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 74250 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 74250 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 76500 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 76500 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 78750 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 78750 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 81000 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 81000 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 83250 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 83250 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 85500 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 85500 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 87750 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 87750 events processed 
    charge n_qrt = 90000 events processed 
    position n_qrt = 90000 events processed 
    Final Aq = -7.28679
    runswitch = 0
    runswitch = 0.900037
    runswitch = 1.62852
    runswitch = 2.52419
    Plotting positions
    Plotting angles
    Plotting energy

    A copy of this log entry has been emailed to: nakahara@jlab.org

