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    User name Serge

    Log entry time 16:38:00 on February 14, 2004

    Entry number 76531


    keyword=(happy again) RC Summary Friday/Saturday 02/14

    Run Plan Friday 02-06-2004Run Plan - Wednesday 01-28-2004

    RC Summary Friday/Saturday 02-14-2004

        Another good day with progress... Have a look !

    Achievements during this period:

    1) Beam at 40 uA.

    2) We are running with 6 mm halo target and the
    rates are in fact
         improving with time and some adjustement (see Halo-improve)

    3) IHWP is now OUT
        - Moeller measurement done before and after IHWP change
           (Thanks Tanja for her patience and see Moeller)
        - Rip scan performed (see RIP1)
        - Need a second round after changes at the injector (see RIP2)

    4) Feedback operation and beam parity quality
        - Bug fixed in convergence script (see Convergence-Bug)

        - Data seems pretty good (see ParityQuality)

    5) 120 Hz are being replayed by the worker (No60Hz) with the instructions
        given in (120Hz).
        - The good bahaviour of the experiment lead me, follwoing damon suggestion,
            to ask a 120 Hz only every 8 hours. Might be changed later again.

    6) Hall B leakage current measured ... in 2 steps (see Leakage)

    7) Good data taking (although only 8.3 hours of perfect data out of 12.2 h data on tape !!)

    8) New PID cuts implemented (see PID)

    9) Coil pulsing data analysis
        - Correction is working fine (Correction)
        - NOTE that if you experience a beam trip during the data taking,
           the data are useless. In order to save time, the best is to keep
           the run going and just restart Gary's script (see Trip-coil)

    10) Most of the cup and plates as well as silverwares have been
          cleaned (see Hygiene).

    On a more general basis. Mid-Term plan

    1) We will likely change the IHWP state the next Sunday (2/15)
          Make a RIP scan just after, and a Moeller measurement before and after
    This is a change compared to my previous run plans and summary report.
    This comes from the fact that Kaz is confident this should not change
    the slopes and also that Damon is on shift and can perform the Moeller

    2)  BPM/BCM calibration need to be done every week. Tentative next Wednesday.

    3) Fastbus measurement to perform a check of the gain and
        set a reference spectra. Tentative : Tuesday 2/17 after beam development

    4) Lumi scan on LH2 (aksed by Silviu and Jianglai). After BCM calibration.


    A) NA Electronics threshold at 40 uA with LH2

    B) FPD 2-14-FL

    C) Coil modulation
    D) Some confusion about what fastfeedback are supposed to be ON or OFF

    List of shift summaries

    Friday   Swing
         F-Swing and cdaq-FO
    Owl       Sa-Owl  and cdaq-SaO                 
    Day       Sa-Day  and  cdaq-SaD

    Serge Kox
     Pager : 584-5681
     e-mail : kox@in2p3.fr