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    User name Domi

    Log entry time 20:24:31 on February 14,2004

    Entry number 76558

    keyword=Run 19897 : Too much FR alerts related to O6D16FL HV OFF

    There are too much alerts from FR electronics during run 19897.
    SDMCH 4 (O6D16FL) has about 100 000 alerts / MPS !!!
    That's too much !!
    We investigated the beam positions/halo rates and found out that the HV of O6D16FL was OFF. That was the cause of the problem.
    The HV crate of Octant 6 has been power cycle and everything went back to normal.

    Please check number of FR alerts. If the number of alerts is higher that 10/MPS then it's a good indication that somtehing has changed. We shouldn't have more than a couple of alerts when running at 40uA on LH2 target with CFD thresholds set to 50mV.