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    User name Williamson

    Log entry time 00:43:58 on February 20, 2004

    Entry number 77135

    keyword=Run Plan for Friday, 02-20-04

    Run Plan Friday 02-06-2004Run Plan - Wednesday 01-28-2004

    Run Plan for Friday 02-20-2004

    Run Plan  
    LH2 target measurement

    Repeat the following sequence:
    1. Take four hour-long runs with prescales set normally (Fastbus prescale 5000, Fast Clear Disabled, 30Hz see instructions below in this run plan)
    2. Take a 5-10 minute run (Fastbus prescale 5000, Fast Clear Disabled, 30Hz) with the coil modulation active by following the instructions in the short Howto for Coil Modulation below. (See instructions below in this runplan)
    3. Take one run of 50k events in 120 Hz oversampling mode every 8 hours only (Fastbus prescale at maximum, Fast Clear Disabled, 120Hz). The shift worker is in charge of the analysis of this file  (see documentation below in this runplan)

    On a more general basis



    Useful Links

    Beam conditions

    40 uA with 2x2 mm raster ON

    A) Check the NEW nominal beam positions (see e-log entry #76592 (BPM-NewReference))

    3H00A 3H00B G0 G0B
    X [mm] 0.7 0.7 -1.0 -1.7
    Y [mm] 0.1
    -1.9 1.8

    We allow MCC a tolerance of 0.3 ~ 0.5 mm for G0 and G0B. Ensure that there is NO lock on 3C20 (check with MCC when position is off and search for a reason)

    B) Check the Halo rates

    MCC has the same Halo rate monitor GUI on their screen as we do. They should be using it for beam tuning.  The following table is about the best that has ever been seen for the rates.  Since Friday 02/13, the rates have been typically 2 times higher on 5 and 6 and up to 4 times higher on 3 and 4.  This may be due to increased "background" rather than increased halo.  The principal monitor is Halo3, which generally should be no more than 10kHz. The rule of thumb for the fraction of beam hitting the halo is to subtract the "no halo" rate from the "6 mm halo target rate" for Halo3 and then to multiply by 0.66 ppm per kHz.  For example, the 40 uA data below yields 0.96 ppm.

    Monitor No halo target 
    6mm Halo target
    No halo target@40uA
    6mm halo target@40uA
    Halo3 18 25 1440
    Halo4 20 30 1600
    Halo5 250 300 20000
    Halo6 140 170 11200

    The 11 mm hole position is at -40.5 mm (stepper motor position on the GUI), and the 6 mm hole position is at -57 mm. Out Position is "Home" or 0 mm.

    Always use the 6 mm hole target except when doing coil modulation.

    If rates are too large, ask MCC to improve on beam quality.

    C) Watch Herberts paddle and associated anode current

    It should be giving a value of about 3280 nA for 40 uA of beam with LH2
    (see Paddle )

    General settings for asymmetry runs

    Instructions for 120 Hz data taking and analysis

    The 120 Hz analysis still has to be done by hand. From now the shift worker
    has to perform this analysis so that any problems with 60 Hz noise is detected early.  

    The following analysis procedure works for 120 Hz runs that have their data file(s) on the local disk.
    It has been tested on cdaql2, butd similar machines have a similar setup.

    1. Log into cdaql2 (or similar machine) as user : gzero.

    2. Type 'source ~/G0Analysis/setup_120Hz.csh'. This will set the environment variables needed to run Jason's 120 Hz analyzer, instead of the default G0Analysis. (Don't use this window to do standard 30 Hz analysis!).

    3. Type '~/G0Analysis/g0analysis120Hz.csh RRRRR', where RRRRR is the run number. This should start the 120 Hz analyzer and eventually produce a rootfile called ~/scratch/root/G0Scaler120Hz.RRRRR.root

    4. When the analysis is done, use Jason's script to extract the 60 Hz noise, and multiples thereof. To do this, type '~/G0Analysis/G0Scripts/extract60Hz RRRRR'.

    5. MAKE A LOGENTRY containing the run number and the relevant text output from extract60Hz.

    6. Inform the shift leader, especially if the values are out of spec.

    For more info about the 120 Hz analysis, see logentry #70368 (120Hz-analysis).

    Instructions for Coil modulation data taking
    1. Ask MCC to retract the Halo target (home position or 0. mm). In the mean time Start a run

    2. Check with general Tool that the fast position feedback is OFF

    3. From the Monticello screen, open the modulation coil response screen by doing the following from the Accelerator Main Menu :

    1. Logon and pop up a window on gzerol3 as user gzero

    2. On the gzerol3 window type:

    1. When the script exits (takes 5 minutes), end the run

    2. Ask MCC to put back the 6 mm hole target (-57 mm)

    You're done.

    Remark : The option + g generates a grid shape. Witout this option, the shape will be a cross

    ** NOTE that if you experience a long (more than 2 minutes) beam trip during the data taking,
    the data are useless. In order to save time, the best is to keep the run going and just restart Gary's script. If this a single trip, then the script will repeat the grid 20 times, so this should be fine.

    Things to do during shift

    Things to Do When There is No Beam

              Make sure the IOCs get set back to auto gain when beam is restored to the hall.

    Steve Williamson
    :  876-1791
     Appartment: 7468 (Residence facility room 2C)
     e-mail: sew@UIUC.EDU

    A copy of this log entry has been emailed to: biselli@ernest.phys.cmu.edu,carlini@jlab.org,dmckee@jlab.org