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    User name Quéméner

    Log entry time 08:03:52 on February 26,2004

    Entry number 77887

    keyword=G0 Integrity Pass1 files

    G0 Integrity Pass1 files for production runs in the interval 20241 - 20247.

    Run 20241 :

    charge asymmetry width (ppm) : 886.4 ( 7.2) ** out of acceptable range **
    Proton asymmetries width :
    14 | 1.21 ( 0.01) | 1.11 ( 0.01) ** out of acceptable range **

    Run 20242 :

    charge asymmetry width (ppm) : 831.7 ( 5.9) ** out of acceptable range **
    Proton asymmetries width :
    14 | 1.18 ( 0.01) | 1.10 ( 0.00) ** out of acceptable range **

    Run 20246 :

    y position difference (nm) : 242.1 ( 87.1) ** out of acceptable range **
    charge asymmetry width (ppm) : 859.4 ( 6.8) ** out of acceptable range **

    Normalized rates : ALL ** out of acceptable range **
    Proton asymmetries width : ALL ** out of acceptable range **

    Run 20247 :

    charge asymmetry width (ppm) : 874.3 ( 8.3) ** out of acceptable range **
    Proton asymmetries width :
    14 | 1.23 ( 0.01) | 1.10 ( 0.01) ** out of acceptable range **