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    User name spwells

    Log entry time 09:44:30 on April 01, 2004

    Entry number 81093

    keyword=Run Plan 1 April Day through 2 April Owl

    Run Plan


    Detailed Procedure

    1. MCC will take beam at 9:00 for beam studies until 12:00, and will access the injector to install the Hall A Laser from 12:00-13:00.
    2. When beam returns, we should spend at most 2 hours investigating halo.  At the end of swing shift on 3/31/04 a vertical adjustment was made at the G0 BPM's to lower the beam position there by about 0.5 mm, which gave lower halo rates, back to near their nominal values. Some investigation should be done to understand why this occurred. This should be coordinated closely with MCC. Some things to try:
    3.         - Remove 6mm hole and verify that halo rates are reduced
    4.         - Reduce raster size to 1 mm X 1mm, lower beam current to 10 uA, and verify that halo rates are reduced (scaled by beam current).
    5.         - Verify that Moeller systems are in normal mode (MCC can do this):
    6.                 # check Moeller raster is off
    7.                 # check that Moeller kicker is off
    8.                 # is Moeller wire target broken and hanging in the beam? (May require setting up Moeller run with wire target - no rate could mean wire target not getting hit, LAST RESORT due to time involved)
    9.         - Have MCC perform Harp scans upstream with and without raster on
    10.         - Have MCC look into optics downstream of Lambertson separator
    11.         - Have MCC look into AC components of beam (DC component is claimed to be OK).
    13.  After halo studies and  stable beam returns in the correct positions, etc., we would like to perform another BCM calibration. A detailed procedure is outlined in the G0 Howto book, but involves a simultaneous calibration of BPM's and BCM's. Due to the flakiness of BPM 3H00C, it is probably best to perform a BCM calibration on its own. Jianglai has agreed to be the expert for this procedure, so page him when you are ready.
    14. After the BCM calibration, we want to reestablish parity quality beam. First, however, we will perform "Wells" plot scans (I make one simple plot looking for deadtime, and somehow my name is attached!). So, before this, we should zero out the charge asymmetry by performing a RHWP scan to find the zero crossing in the Hall C charge asymmetry. Then, perform 1/2 hour runs at IA voltages of 5 V, 1 V, and 9 V, manually changing the IA voltage. For assistance, page Kaz.
    15. It has also been requested to generate energy modulation data. In previous attempts to perform this, the detector response slopes w.r.t. energy were very small, and it is believed that MCC had some energy lock or fast energy feedback system operating during this attempted scan. To do this, we only need roughly a 5 minute run with the energy being modulated. However, coordinate this effort with MCC to ensure that all energy lock or energy feedback systems are turned off. See below for detailed energy modulation procedure.
    16. At this point, we should reestablish parity quality beam with feedback on. Contact Kaz, perform an RIP scan to get new feedback slopes, and get feedback operational.
    17. From this point on, take 1 hour long asymmetry runs on LH2 until 9:00 when MCC will take beam away for beam studies again.

    New Considerations

    Beam conditions

    General settings for asymmetry runs

    Beam Current

    High Voltage

    DAQ Settings


    Instructions for Taking GMS Data

    Detailed instructions can be found in the GMS How-To, a copy of which should be in the binder.
    1. Turn on the GMS mask. The control box is located towards the bottom of the second rack in the 2nd floor G0 electronics cage.
      1. Turn the switch labelled "Motor" on.
      2. Check to make sure the LEDs on the box are flashing.
      3. If lights are not flashing, then crank the 20 turn pot up until they are flashing.
      4. Use the pot to set a current between 180 and 200.
    2. In the G0 DAQ configuration tool set the following prescale values:
    3. Start runs normally; label them as GMS on.
    4. When the desired amount of GMS data has been taken then set the prescalers back to maximum by pushing the "Set prescales to maximum" button.
    5. Turn off the GMS mask by flipping the "Motor" switch to the off position.

    Instructions for Coil Modulation and Energy Modulation Data Taking

    Setting up to Modulate (whatever)

    1. Check with General Tool that the fast position feedback is OFF.
    2. From the Monticello screen, open the modulation coil response screen by doing the following from the Accelerator Main Menu :
    3. Find the terminal window people are using for modulation, or open it yourself by:

    Coil Modulation

    1. Start a run and fill out the comments cases in the "pink window" with: "coil pulsing run"
    2. Ask MCC to retract the Halo target (home position or 0 mm). In the mean time Start a run.
    3. Run the shell script ./gridmodulation (for grid pattern coil modulation).
    4. To see it working look on the G0realtimemonitor beamline screen.
    5. Once the run ends, call MCC to return the halo target to the 6 mm hole position.

    Energy Modulation

    1. Start a run and fill out the comments cases in the "pink window" with: "energy pulsing run"
    2. Run the shellscrpt: ./energymodulation
    3. Lastly: I have seen, burried in the monticello controls *somewhere* a panel with controls relating to switching this Energy Modulation access to and from Hall A/ Hall C. IF energy modulation does not work, I would have to first dig through Monticello and find this screen, then make sure MCC had set it to Hall C control of E mod.
    4. To see it working (in theory) watch BPM 3C12_X,Y.
    NOTE: Energy modulation affects ALL halls -For the time being, we are notifying the Hall B shift crew before taking a coil modulation run. I expect to get their permission to take them without notice in the near future.

    NOTE: if you experience a long (more than 2 minutes) beam trip during the data taking, the data are useless. In order to save time, the best is to keep the run going and just restart Gary's script. The script will repeat the grid 20 times, so shoft RF trips should be fine.

    Instructions for 120 Hz data taking and analysis

    Data Acquisition Procedure

    Analysis Procedure

    When the 120 Hz analyzer produces a root file called ~/scratch/root/G0Scaler120Hz.#####.root, perform the following steps to log the results:
    1. Use Jason's script to extract the 60 Hz noise, and multiples thereof. To do this, type '~/G0Analysis/G0Scripts/extract60Hz #####'.
    2. MAKE A LOGENTRY containing the run number and the relevant text output from extract60Hz.
    3. Inform the shift leader, especially if the values are out of spec.
    For more info about the 120 Hz analysis, see logentry #70368 (120Hz-analysis).

    Things To Do During Shift

    Things to Do When There is No Beam



    Useful Links

    Contacting the RC

    Current RC: Steve Wells
    1. Cell: 876-1791
    2. Pager: 584-5574
    3. %Office Phone: x5192
    4. Hotel Phone: ???-????988-1687
    5. E-mail: wells@phys.latech.edu