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    User name Spayde

    Log entry time 14:26:49 on April 02, 2004

    Entry number 81235

    keyword=Moller Summary - 2 April 2004 Day Shift

    Moller Summary


    The beam is polarized. A sharp change in X position (hence energy) was observed at 3C12 during one of the IHWP out runs.


    1. Insertable half wave plate is IN.
    2. Run 48565: -73.43 +/- 0.73 %
    3. Run 48566: -74.15 +/- 0.73 %
    4. Insertable half wave plate is OUT.
    5. Run 48567: 75.01 +/- 0.73 %
    6. Run 48568: 74.32 +/- 0.71 %
    7. Run 48569: 75.12 +/- 0.73 %
    8. Backing out Moller setup.

    Injector Settings (After Moller)

    Charge Asymmetry      6.48715 
    Global Laser Phase    0 
    Half Wave Plate       1 
    Hall A Photocurrent   0 
    Hall A Slit pos       8 
    Hall A atten          120 
    Hall A current        0.0272639 
    Hall B Photocurrent   4.64436 
    Hall B Slit pos       16.7 
    Hall B atten          236 
    Hall B current        30.4015 
    Hall C Laser att.     407 
    Hall C Photocurrent   49.3819 
    Hall C Slit pos       -0.996094 
    Hall C current        37.8523 
    Helicity Mode         0 
    Int. Las. Phase Noise 1.37 
    Laser Phase measured  -4.51224 
    Negative PITA Voltage 2.9304 
    Positive PITA Voltage 3.2381 
    Pre-Buncher           1 
    Rotatable hwp         6070 
    Wien Angle            2.49577 
    X spot position       1280 
    Y spot position       1120