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    User name Lars

    Log entry time 00:00:02 on April 9,2004

    Entry number 81820

    keyword=Swing shift summary

    SWING SHIFT SUMMARY, Thursday April 8, 2004

    Leader: L. Hannelius
    Target: V. Sulkosky
    Worker: H. Mkrtchyan, M. Pitt

    16:00 Shift starts. Production run 21247 in progress.
    16:35 Ended run 21247. Beam tripped. Started run 21248.
    16:55 VESDA zone 2 alarm. Reset.
    17:38 Ended run 21248. Started run 21249.
    19:00 Stopped run 21249. MCC takes beam to check Hall A beam.
    19:18 Beam delivery to Hall C resumes. Starting run 21250.
    19:59 Hall A current is 3 uA CW.
    20:20 Ended run 21250. Started run 21251.
    21:30 Ended run 21251. Started run 21252.
    22:30 MCC will try to send 100 uA to Hall A. Ended run 21252.
    Started run 21253.
    22:35 Spike alarm. Ended run 21253. Started run 21254.
    22:59 MCC will do some tests. Ended run 21254.
    23:10 End of run failed. Killed and restarted CODA and
    the realtime monitor. DAQ test run 21255 seems ok.
    23:15 Beam is back. Starting run 21256.

    Runs taken:

    21248 LH2 production
    21249 LH2 production
    21250 LH2 production
    21251 LH2 production
    21252 LH2 production
    21253 LH2 production (spiky)
    21254 LH2 production (end of run failed)
    21255 DAQ test
    21256 LH2 production