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    User name nakahara

    Log entry time 05:52:26 on April 10, 2004

    Entry number 81914

    keyword=Beam gone...really odd behavior

    Beam has been gone for a little while now.
    Halo rates are reading over 100kHz with NO G0 beam in HallC. Also, the pivot BPMs readbacks are jumping around, and the G0/G0B BPMs look frozen. MCC reboots IOCSE20, and the G0/G0B BPMs are now back. But there's still the problem that something seems to be leaking into HallC. The halo rates goto 0 when:
    1. the slits are closed
    2. HallB beam goes off
    So this seems to indicate bleedthrough. But why did this happen all of a sudden?
    They re-steer in x on G0B, and now it looks like the halo rates are back to normal.