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    User name nakahara

    Log entry time 18:10:04 on April 15,2004

    Entry number 82209

    keyword=Beam: HallA IA scan

    Below shows the HallA IA scan taken just now.

    I was surprized to see the zero crossing at 1V. This is surprizing, but should not cause much problems since the IA can go down to 0V, and the slope is huge.

    Joe contacted us (through elog), and gave us some options as to when to fix the PZT. I think we can run like this until Monday, at which point there would be a convenient time (during the CD0 tour) to check the PZT cables. As far as the feedback is concerned, the "name" of which is PZTX and which is PZTY does not matter, so we should be able to run.

    FIGURE 1