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    User name pking

    Log entry time 13:16:26 on April 17,2004

    Entry number 82375


    keyword=Alarm for when iocse20 gets stuck.

    I have developed a very simple alarm script which tests for the iocse20 getting
    stuck. It is installed on the cvxwrks account on jeffylab, as:

    I have started the script in a small terminal window on the top of the jeffylab
    console, and have made the window sticky so that it shows up on all workspaces.

    It does not take any arguements, and does not produce any output when the
    IOC is working. It will produce an audible alarm using the jeffylab sound card
    when the IOC gain values do not change when there is beam present; it will
    also print the BPM gain values and the beam current as measured by BCM1.

    There is not currently any means of acknowlegding the alarm while leaving the
    script running; you will need to kill it and restart it after MCC has rebooted the

    To verify that the script has correctly detected the IOC locking up, you should
    request a short beam shut-off and verify that the BPMs report a non-zero position
    with the beam off.

    I will later try to improve the script and incorporate it into one of the standard
    alarm handlers to make it easier to acknowledge the alarms.