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    User name Williamson

    Log entry time 00:13:38 on April 18, 2004

    Entry number 82418

    keyword=Shift Summary -- Swing Shift, April 17, 2004

    Shift Summary -- Swing Shift, April 17, 2004

    Shift Crew
    S. Williamson (Leader)
    S. Covrig (Target)
    S. Pate (Worker 4-8)
    A. Kolarkar (Worker 8-Midnight)

    Status at start of run
    Beam current: 39.83


    Beam position:

    00A -0.681 -1.368

    00C -1.000  0.120

    G0 -0.736 -2.137

    G0B -1.085 1.689

    Halo Target:

    Halo 3
    2800 Hz

    Halo 4
    5100 Hz

    Significant Events
    Shift begins with produciton running underway.
    Cage temp alarm went off.  Seems to be stabilizing.  It is quite warm in the outside world.  For now we will monitor it.
    21:06 IOCSE20 died.  This was detected by the IOCSE20-freeze alarm created by Paul. Note that the beam also died at roughly the same time. Current run (21425) ended.
    21:20 IOCSE20 died again.  Reboot. Current run (21426) ended.
    23:14 IOCSE20 died again.  Reboot. Current run (21428) ended.
    We had very good beam during this shift.  There was a period of 62 min with no beam trips.  Parity quality seems very good too.

    21420      LH2 Production run (ended during this shift).  This run was done with no GMS running (PS5 and PS6 at max.)
    21421 LH2 Production run
    21422 LH2 Production run (end failed on this run)
    21423 LH2 Production run
    21424 LH2 Production run
    21425 LH2 Production run (ended when IOCSE20-freeze alarm sounded).
    21426 LH2 Production run (short run -- ended when IOCSE20-freeze alarm sounded again).
    21427 LH2 Production run
    21428 LH2 Production run (ended when IOCSE20 died)
    21429 LH2 Production run
