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    User name Louis

    Log entry time 09:52:02 on April 19,2004

    Entry number 82549

    keyword=G0Online Integrity for run 21470 and 21471

    there are 3099 qrt in this analysis
    chanels with more than 0.1 *qrt events with errors/alerts
    no errors in any NA LTD modules
    no alerts in any Fr SDMCH modules
    13 | 1.20 ( 0.02) | 1.05 ( 0.01) ** out of acceptable range **
    14 | 1.28 ( 0.02) | 1.09 ( 0.01) ** out of acceptable range **

    there are 3101 qrt in this analysis
    chanels with more than 0.1 *qrt events with errors/alerts
    no errors in any NA LTD modules
    no alerts in any Fr SDMCH modules
    13 | 1.13 ( 0.01) | 1.03 ( 0.01) ** out of acceptable range **
    14 | 1.18 ( 0.02) | 1.05 ( 0.01) ** out of acceptable range **