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    User name Spayde

    Log entry time 14:08:22 on April 21, 2004

    Entry number 82802

    This entry is a followup to: 82781

    keyword=SMS: Significant Reduction in LHe Flow to Hall C

    Since we began pumping on the perimeter transfer line the flow of LHe to the flow has dropped dramatically (see Figure 1). The pump was turned on at about 10:05; prior to that point the flow was averaging around 8.5 to 9 g/s. After the pumps were turned on the flow has dropped to around 7 g/s which seems to be roughly where the SMS wants to sit. The average setting of the supply valve (JT4) has changed from around 43% to 33%. The level seems more stable over the short period of time I have been monitoring it.

    A copy of this log entry has been emailed to: dhbeck@uiuc.edu, sew@uiuc.edu, nakahara@jlab.org, hood@jlab.org
