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    User name Louis

    Log entry time 19:01:14 on April 25, 2004

    Entry number 83206

    This entry is a followup to: 83138


    The file 21610 escape the check of integrity at the time of shift overlap here is the result of run_summary 1 21610 ====================================================

    run = 21610

    ==================================================== Electronics errors : ---------------------

    there are 18323 qrt in this analysis chanels with more than 0.1 *qrt events with errors/alerts no errors in any NA LTD modules no alerts in any Fr SDMCH modules

    ======================================================== Beam : ------

    I (uA) = 42.8 beam position (mm) (x,y) : 0.5 , 4.2 beam ang (mrad) (x,y) : 0.2 , 0.9 ** out of acceptable range **

    charge asymmetry (ppm) : 8.6 ( 2.9) x position difference (nm) : 131.1 ( 67.5) y position difference (nm) : -27.9 ( 52.6) x angle difference (nrad) : -5.1 ( 5.3) y angle difference (nrad) : 6.5 ( 7.6) energy difference (nm) : 639.9 ( 92.8)

    charge asymmetry width (ppm) : 367.5 ( 3.1) x position difference width (nm) : 9089.4 ( 53.6) y position difference width (nm) : 6986.1 ( 46.1) x angle difference width (nrad) : 713.8 ( 4.2) y angle difference width (nrad) : 1017.7 ( 6.2) energy difference width (nm) : 12501.8 ( 73.1)

    lumi yield (ch/nC): 9.8 9.3 8.8 7.8 9.4 lumi asymmetry width (ppm) : 331.7( 1.8), 359.5( 2.0), 333.2( 1.8), 357.4( 2.0), 302.0( 1.6),

    halo 3 rate (kHz) = 0.1

    ======================================================== FPD : -----

    single cfd rates to 4 fold coincidence (from sdmch)

    det 1 to det 8 = 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 det 9 to det 16 = 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.9 2.1

    Normalized rates from TE data total (proton) ring | Fr | NA 01 | 76.0 ( 56.8) | 80.7 ( 58.8) 02 | 100.6 ( 70.7) | 106.4 ( 74.0) 03 | 106.2 ( 71.5) | 108.2 ( 71.5) 04 | 88.2 ( 60.8) | 97.9 ( 64.7) 05 | 96.3 ( 64.3) | 105.6 ( 70.0) 06 | 103.5 ( 66.5) | 113.4 ( 70.8) 07 | 114.1 ( 70.3) | 120.7 ( 72.9) 08 | 100.4 ( 57.6) | 79.0 ( 45.3) ** out of acceptable range ** 09 | 112.0 ( 61.3) | 116.9 ( 63.3) ** out of acceptable range ** 10 | 116.8 ( 58.6) | 121.8 ( 61.5) 11 | 117.5 ( 58.2) | 124.7 ( 61.6) 12 | 97.1 ( 45.7) | 106.8 ( 48.3) 13 | 81.6 ( 37.7) | 90.1 ( 40.1) 14 | 83.9 ( 37.4) | 92.6 ( 41.1) 15 | 90.1 ( 49.2) | 98.8 ( 51.0) 16 | 44.8 ( 5.2) | 56.4 ( 7.1)

    Proton asymmetries width normalized to statistical expectation ring | Fr | NA 01 | 1.06 ( 0.01) | 1.05 ( 0.01) 02 | 1.07 ( 0.01) | 1.06 ( 0.01) 03 | 1.07 ( 0.01) | 1.10 ( 0.01) 04 | 1.06 ( 0.01) | 1.07 ( 0.01) 05 | 1.05 ( 0.01) | 1.08 ( 0.01) 06 | 1.06 ( 0.01) | 1.08 ( 0.01) 07 | 1.07 ( 0.01) | 1.08 ( 0.01) 08 | 1.07 ( 0.01) | 1.07 ( 0.01) 09 | 1.07 ( 0.01) | 1.07 ( 0.01) 10 | 1.07 ( 0.01) | 1.07 ( 0.01) 11 | 1.08 ( 0.01) | 1.08 ( 0.01) 12 | 1.07 ( 0.01) | 1.09 ( 0.01) 13 | 1.12 ( 0.01) | 1.07 ( 0.01) ** out of acceptable range ** 14 | 1.18 ( 0.01) | 1.09 ( 0.01) ** out of acceptable range ** 15 | 1.09 ( 0.01) | 1.08 ( 0.01) 16 | 1.07 ( 0.01) | 1.07 ( 0.01)

    ==================================================== Fastbus : ---------

    CFD TDC channel with no hits : 7-08-fl

    MT TDC channel with no hits : 7-08-front

    ADC channel with no hits above threshold and below overflow: none


    the values are out of range if they are two sigma away from spec.

    There are 8 values out of range for this run compare to the golden file : golden_values_run_summary_072103 (attention when there is multiple values on line, error messages are printed only once )


    ======== END ========