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    User name pking

    Log entry time 22:25:09 on May 13, 2004

    Entry number 85004

    keyword=Proposed detailed run plan for transverse running

    Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 19:06:29 -0400
    From: Paul King <pking@jlab.org>
    To: Douglas Beck <dhbeck@uiuc.edu>
    Cc: Mark Pitt <pitt@vt.edu>, Jacques Arvieux <arvieux@jlab.org>,
    Jianglai Liu <jianglai@jlab.org>, Kazutaka Nakahara
    Elizabeth J. Beise <beise@physics.umd.edu>, Julie Roche
    Joseph Grames <grames@jlab.org>, Dave Gaskell <gaskelld@jlab.org>,
    Tanja Horn <hornt@jlab.org>
    Subject: Proposal for running over the next few days.


    After some discussion with Joe and Reza, the Wien change to 90
    degrees would probably take 1.5 - 2 hours, instead of the ~0.5 hours
    for the change to 60 degrees. So this is what I suggest for the

    a) Request the Wien angle to be changed to -57.5 degrees at
    16:00 on Friday afternoon. If the other halls object, this
    change may need to be pushed earlier to 15:30 to fall within
    the "leakage" running period.

    b) The SOS tests are currently scheduled for 8 hours beginning
    at 16:00 on Friday, including switching the water for the
    magnet power supplies from the SMS to the SOS magnets.
    Last time the switch back started after the eight hours, so
    we could guess that the switch back to G0 running might not
    be until 02:00.

    c) Begin running with transverse beam at the highest current
    possible (hopefully 40 uA).
    Take an IA, and PZT scan and set up feedback. [1 hour]

    d) Take a 1-hour run at 40 uA on LH2.

    e) Take a 10 minute run with Hall C laser off to check the
    leakage effects for this data.

    f) Take four 1-hour runs at 40 uA on LH2.
    Then repeat steps (e) and (f).

    g) It would probably be a good idea to take a Moller measurement
    during the day shift, so that we have a cross-check on the
    spin; Tanja suggests this might take an hour.
    Until we are ready to do that, take 1-hour runs at 40 uA
    on LH2 as in (e) and (f).

    h) At about 15:00, change the IHWP state.
    Take an IA, and PZT scan and set up feedback. [1 hour]

    i) Take a 1-hour run at 40 uA on LH2.

    j) Take a 10 minute run with Hall C laser off to check the
    leakage effects for this data.

    k) Take four 1-hour runs at 40 uA on LH2.
    Then repeat steps (j) and (k).

    L) At 04:00 on Sunday, The last 8 hour period of Hall A off
    running begins.
    Take 1 hour of 40 uA Hall C running, followed by about 30 minutes
    of Hall C laser off.

    m) Have the Wien angle changed back to +2.5 degrees. Joe thought
    that this could be done by the operators in about a half hour,
    but if there was a problem that they had to call in support, it
    could be an hour or two after that beam would be restored.

    n) Take the Hall A off longitudinal running as deisred.
    If the Wien change went well and only took a half hour,
    we would have six hours for the longitudinal leakage running.

    o) At 12:00, the beam goes away for about 4 hours to setup the
    Hall A pass change.
    We may want to have the Wien angle changed back to -57.5 degrees
    either during or after the pass change set-up.

    p) If we have had the Wien angle changed again, take transverse
    data, otherwise take longitudinal data.

    The plan as outlined above would give about 23 hours of transverse
    running on Saturday, with perhaps another 14 hours of transverse
    running on Sunday and Monday. If we get 50% efficiency, that would
    give us 12 or 19 hours of data with the spin at 60 degrees.

    This plan does not include any more frame running in transverse
    mode. Does anyone think that we should take some more? Actually,
    I think maybe we should take an hour or two again as a cross-check
    at this Wien setting.