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    User name nakahara

    Log entry time 23:43:04 on May 13,2004

    Entry number 85013

    keyword=Beam: Beam current fluctuations

    While I was there, I asked around/investigated the HallC current
    fluctuation problem with one of the MCC crews (sorry, no injector experts
    there). We found that this fluctuation may have started around May 1st
    as shown in Figure4. We were running at 20uA at that time (Frame).
    Between 18:00 and 21:30 that night, the current suddenly became noisy by
    a factor of 2 or so. MCC crew (Tim) looked through the ELOG, and I
    through G0log. We found a few things in the machine that happened at
    that time (increased beam loss in LINAC, HallA energy spread change), but
    nothing definitive.

    I've sent an email to Reza to see if he can try to improve the stability
    of the transmission in the front end.

    FIGURE 1