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User name gaskell

Log entry time 00:08:10 on October 06, 2004

Entry number 89538

keyword=Shift summary

16:00-21:00: No beam, or short spurts of beam. 21:15 HMS positron running: P=2.17, Theta=50.00, He3 target 21:15-21:45 Beam positions not stable, call for adjustments - beam jumps around even as MCC is trying to adjust. 22:25 MCC is STILL working on the positions - there is hope since they got the position fast feedback working.

22:40 MCC calls - no beam for 30 minutes. Air flow sensor fault. 23:05 Beam back. Continue He3 P=2.17 23:45 Finally get about 45 minutes on He3 - moving on to dummy. 24:00 Finishing up dummy and moving on to He4 - hand off to next shift...