Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name vipuli

Log entry time 23:52:19 on October 23, 2004

Entry number 90556

keyword=Shift summary

16.16 : run 51139 6% Au for 20 minutes, PSF=1 80 micro Amps beam current
17.00 : run 51140 Be ran with PS=1, Please ignore the run.
17.11 : Run 51141-42 2% Be PS1=2 , beam current 50 micro amps
18.25 : Changed P_HMS to -1.33
run 51143 Junk
18.29 : run 51144-49 2% Be PSF=4 beam current 50 micro amps
20.30 : Changed the target to 3% C.
MCC informed us we are not going to have beam for about 10 mints.
run 51150 junk
20.44 : run 51151 3% C PSF=2 Beam current 80 micro Amps.
20.54 : we only had beam for 2 mints. for run 51151 and we are not going
to have beam for another 10 mints. Ended the run.
21.01 : run 51152 3% C PSF=2 Beam current 80 micro Amps.
21.33 : Again no beam for 10 mints. Ended the run 51153 (180 k gates).
21.51 : run 51154-55 3% C PSF=2
22.30 : Changed the target to 6% Cu
22.33 : run 51156-59 6% Cu, PSF=2 Beam current 80 micro Amps