Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name trojer

Log entry time 07:58:58 on October 30, 2004

Entry number 90709

keyword=Shift summary

00:30 End run 51223. DAQ didn't ended run correctly, Has to restart DAQ.
00:52 Changed HMS Momentum: P_hms=-3.17 GeV/c. thet_hms=26.0. P_sos=-1.7 GeV/c, thet_sos=50.0.
Started run 51224 on 3%C
01:34 Changed target from 3%C to 4cm LD2
Started run 51225 on 4cm LD2
02:52 Changed target from 4cm LD2 to Al-dummy
Started run 51227 on Al-dummy
03:35 Changed HMS Momentum: P_hms=-2.71 GeV/c. thet_hms=26.0. P_sos=-1.7 GeV/c, thet_sos=50.0.
Started run 51228 on Al-dummy
04:05 Changed target from Al-dummy to 3%C
Started run 51229 on 3%C
04:55 MCC had some problems delivering beam. Waited for 15 minutes.
Changed target from 3%C to 4cm LD2
Started run 51230 on 4cm LD2
06:35 Finished HMS settings: P_HMS=-2.90, Thet_HMS=40.00
Then got fire alarm while setting SOS.
Stopped moving of the SOS (stopped at 41.88), shut down the magnets.
06:45 MCC goes in the hall: Seems that a power supply of the SOS caused a cable burning.
07:45 Bill Vulcan arrived. He's going into the hall.